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"Trip Simply"
Mobile travel app designed for travelers in a post-pandemic world

Select and save destinations

Picture of Case Study Project 1

Saved travel documents at your fingertips

Track "Bucket List" items and notes

Set travel dates based on your schedule


Why: Initial Concerns


Project Goals

Users struggle with barriers impacting their travel experience -

  • Overspending / Losing track of budget

  • Difficulty in the planning process

  • Health safety concerns

Mobile app designed to help users -

  • Set, track and maintain their budgets

  • Plan trips via step-by-step guide

  • Stay updated on health restrictions through alerts


Outcomes and More

  • 10 - 20% increase in task success rates

  • Self-reflection: Improved learning and design process


Who, What, When and Where

Role: UX Research, UX Designer - Team of 1
Timeframe: September 5 - 23, 2022
Figma, Trello, Miro, Canva, Artboard Studio


Research, Analysis, Exploration

Competitor Analysis:

A SWOT Analysis of competitors  determined other agencies offered features that set them apart

trip comp analysis.png

Research Methodology:

Initial Research Results:

Five interviews were conducted​. Participants ranged in age from 21-55, varied ethnicities, and travel experience

Interviewee 1:

"Have a plan makes for a great trip"

Interviewee 2:

"Safety is important while traveling"

Interviewee 3:

"I travel for cultural immersion"

Interviewee 4:

"I hate going over budget while traveling"

Interviewee 5:

"I worry about COVID-19 restrictions"


1. Interviewees are concerned about COVID-19 as it can affect their health and restrict travel experience

2. Maintaining travel budget is priority #1
3. Keeping travel documents close increaseses sense of safety
4. Sharing itinerary = increased safety

Define & Ideate

The User, their Journey and the Features

User Persona: Taylor Johnson

Screen Shot 2023-07-11 at 10.31.07 PM.png

Taylor Johnson

Occupation: Dental Hygienist

Taylor, a 35-year-old, is a frequent traveler, taking trips at least three times per year. They enjoy exploring new foods and cultures but travels with caution due to COVID-19.


"I will try anything once"


  • Checks travel restrictions every week

  • Balances budget with enjoying trip by planning and saving  ahead

  • Frustrated when attempting to plan trips

  • Aims to get the best deal by using travel miles points


  • Explore new foods, cultures and destinations

  • Protect health

  • Maintain safety while traveling

  • Cultural immersion

  • Stick to travel budget

Pain Points

  • Budget constraints

  • Overwhelmed by trip planning process

  • Difficulty maintaining safety while traveling

  • Language barrier when traveling to other countries


  • Way to plan for trips with ease

  • Stay connected to family while traveling

  • Track all travel documents

Taylor's Journey (Future State):​

Group 298.png

Taylor decides to travel but doesn't know where to start! Frustration builds.

Insight & Feature Prioritization (Round 1):

Insight from interviews and brainstorming from feature prioritization developed three key features to integrate into the app

Small picture of Feature Prioritization

Itinerary Tracker

Budget Calculator

Planning support via step-by-step guide


Sketches, Wireframes and Iterations

Initial Sketches

Initial sketches mapped out app UI, staging features, and information architecture

trip sketch1.png
trip sketch 3.png

Testing & Iterations

Insight Synthesis and Application

Usability Testing:

Five users tested Mid- and High-Fi prototypes, assessing usability and efficiency. Interviewees ranged in age from 30-50; all fell within the beginner - moderate traveler cetegory (1-5 travel instances).

Interviewee 1:

"I like the option to put embassy information in the app"

Interviewee 2:

"I would rather have location selected prior to setting my budget"

Interviewee 3:

"I liked the calendar features - putting in a date range"

Interviewee 4:

"I want to put in my hotel's address and number for safety"

Interviewee 5:

"I am confused on the icons at the bottom, it looks like the safari icon"


  • ​Lack of clear direction due to iconography 

  • Interviewees preferred selecting destination before budget in user flow 

  • Concerns with leaving app to locate COVID-19 information on external sites

Insight & Feature Prioritization (Round 2):

Research synthesis found Mid-Fi prototype deficits and necessary feature iterations 

Picture of blown up version of prioritization matrix after usability testin

Features added:

Step-by-step planning guide

Health safety alerts

Budget tracker

Altered iconography

Shareable itenerary

Added confirmation pages

Iterations in High-Fidelity Prototype:

  • Expanded health safety alerts to be in-app

  • Altered homepage UI

  • Expanded itinerary feature to be shareable 

  • Added currency feature

  • Added "Bucket List" & "Notes"

  • Rebranded name

Phone Mockup Fashion Product New Arrival Heels Instagram Post (1).gif


Outcomes and Takeaways


Data synthesis from usability testing round 1 vs 2 -

Information graphic of usability testing results, round 1 versus round 2, task 7

Result: 20% increase in Task 7 Success Rate

Information graphic of usability testing results, round 1 versus round 2, task 4

Result: 10% increase in Task 4 Success Rate

Personal Lessons:

  • Figma is the jam! (definitely had a different opinion starting this project)

  • As my first UX project, I was able to expand both my UX and UI skillset with this project, but looking back, I can see areas for improvement regarding color psychology and typography

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