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Heyward Dental Products LLC

Website Redesign
E-commerce website redesigned to improve customer purchase experience and SEO 

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Updated hero with product image and CTA

Improved navigation system with utility elements

Optimized for improved mobile experience


Customers combat barriers such as information architecture issues, navigation hierarchy confusion, and color/text accessibility - slowing down their purchase process

Why: Initial Concerns


Business / Project Alignment


  1. Top-to-bottom website redesign

  2. Improve conversion rates

  3. 2x-3x sales increase

  4. Incorporate and transfer coupon codes

  5. Upgrade site that looks “professional”

  6. Maximize SEO


  1. Identify user insight to inform redesign

  2. Redesign Heyward Dental Products, LLC e-commerce website

  3. Provide client with project deliverables that can be used to improve the e-commerce website post-project termination


Outcomes and More

  1. Updated Heyward Dental Products, LLC e-commerce website

  2. Improved site SEO, color accessibility, and heuristics

  3. Success rates doubled across testing version

  4. Task duration decreased by over 6x

  5. Sales increased 3x between July to October 2023

  6. 10- to 30-point increase in success metrics (SEQ, SUS, ASQ and Overall Experience scores)


Who, What, When and Where

Role: UX Research, Designer, Team of 2
Timeframe: March 2023 - July 2023
Tools: Figma, Trello, Miro, Canva, Artboard Studio, Shopify
Live site: 


Website Redesign Process Breakdown

Initial redesign discussion with client

Research development

UI / Design development

Updated website now live

4-Month Post-Analysis

March 2023

April 2023

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

November 2023



Research, Analysis, Exploration

Who is "Heyward Dental"?

Heyward Dental Products LLC, a Texas-based dental supply e-commerce business established in 2005, provides dentist-backed products to customers around the world. 

From its origin, Heyward Dental Products, LLC’s mission is to “Provide the best dental products and service to our customers at excellent prices."

Hierarchy confusion

Phone Mockup Fashion Product New Arrival Heels Instagram Post (2).png

Accessibility concerns 

UI different across desktop versus mobile

Problem Investigation

Heuristics and Annotations: 

Pros - Consistency & Standards, Flexibility & efficiency of use, Help & Documentation

Cons - Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design, failed WCAG AA rating


Competitive Analysis:

heydent comp analysis.png

Research Methodology:

Research Results:

Five Individual Interviews

1. Interviewees seek reputable sources as part of product purchase process

2. Interviews “stick to what they like, know, and trust”
3. Health and safety of patient is priority 1
4. Abundance of content = poor overall experience

Avg SUS = 67

Avg SEQ = 88

Avg ASQ = 92

Avg Exp = 88

Define & Ideate

The User, their Journey and the Features

User Persona: Dr. Willis, DDS, MS


  • Utilizes sources (ADA, CDC, colleagues) before purchasing products from industry-known companies

  • Purchases high-quality, long-lasting products

  • Purchases from industry-backed products


  • Purchase high-quality, long-lasting, evidence-based products that maintain health / safety of patients and staff

  • Maintain infection control

  • Efficient purchase process that takes minimal time


  • Patient and staff safety

  • Infections disease control

  • Consistent high-quality products that will last

  • Products that are restorative

  • Experience of previous usage


  • E-commerce site with improved purchase process

  • Dependable, dentist-trusted products that meets their needs

  • Website that resembles other dental product sellers

Pain Points

  • Budget constraints

  • Biases within product reviews

  • Outdated navigation

  • Expiration dates - products expire before using them

  • Dependability of products


  • Modernize website for fast, efficient purchase process

  • Provide easy access to support throughout purchase process

  • Provide high-quality customer service

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Task Flow: Purchsing Process

Enter Site

Land on homepage

Select "Items for Patients" in navigation

Land on "Shop Items for Patients"

Scroll down page

Click on search bar

Type "Aligner and Retainer"

Select "Enter"

Land on list of 12 items

Enter Site

Action Taken by User

Exit Site

Result of Action

Select "go"

Land on "Search Results" page with 6 items

Click on “Aligner & Retainer Removers Bulk” or “Options”

Land on product page

Click “select” text box drop down

Select “Add to Cart”

Exit Site

Card Sorting: 

Navigation menu reduced from 24 to 11 items

Utility elements created (shopping cart, log-in)

Footer elements (quick links, socials, support) added


Wireframes and Iterations

Owner wanted a modern,  minimalistic, professional, and clean design. Sites such as Benco Dental and Henry Shein were used as inspiration

hey dent sketch 2.png
hey dent sketch 3.png

Drawing inspiration from Benco Dental and Henry Shein, we designed a moodboard with cool tones (bringing in the original logo color), professional typeface and sample images

hey dent moodboard.png

Mid-Fidelity Prototype on Figma:
Initial prototyping to display general UI layout, product structure and navigation for stakeholder colloration

hey dent gif - mid fi.gif
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High-Fidelity Prototype on Shopify:
Final prototype prior to Shopify site development and domain transfer

Testing & Iterations

Insight Synthesis and Application

Desired Outcomes:

  • Complete website redesign prior to June 30th

  • Increase SUS, ASQ, SEQ, and overall experience scores by 5-point threshold

Testing Insights:

  • Users struggled with color contrast on CTA buttons

  • Sections in mid-fidelity layout appeared "constricted" - needed more "breathable" space

  • Hero in mid-fidelity appeared "outdated"


Initial vs Hi-Fidelity Usability Testing

Increased Average Scores:

  • SEQ: increased roughly 30 points

  • ASQ and SUS: increased roughly 10 points

  • Overall Experience: increased over 20 points

Avg. SEQ, ASQ, SUS and Experience Score (1).png

Usability Testing Comparison:

  • Metrics such as success rate and task duration saw an inversion reaction based on usability testing phase

  • Success rates doubled across testing version

  • Task duration decreased by over 6x

Desktop Comparison Results.png

Marketing Strategy

Campaings and Outcomes

First-Round Campaign:
LinkedIn and Google Ads (Performance Max)
Frequency: daily, simultaneously
Cost: $50 total on each platform
Duration: 2-week timeframe (July 9th-July 31st)
Outcome: Increased website traffic (online store sessions) by 3x

Second-Round Campaign:
Google Ads (Search and Performance Max)
Frequency: daily

Cost: $2/ day
Duration: Sept. 3rd- indefinitely
Outcome: Increased website traffic (online store sessions) by 18%

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Outcomes and Takeaways


  • Currently learning of business KPIs/ success metrics

  • Owner wants vs user needs

  • Unable to get insights from direct customers

  • Time limitation - website moved over by June 30, 2023

  • Learning new system - Shopify's platform

  • Small hifi-usability testing participant pool


  • Integrating marketing campaigns encouraged new traffic flow

  • More effective recruiting methods

Sales Comparison - Month vs Month:

  • Heyward Dental Products saw monthly sales increase month to month, exceeding average sales prior to website redesign

  • Sales increased 3x between July to October 2023

Total Sales Across Five-Month Span.png
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Check out project artifacts

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