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Government Website Redesign

Cherokee County - Rusk, TX
Website redesigned to improve usability, functionality, and utility for Cherokee County residents

Renovated Information


Hero image of desktop and mobile version of cherokee county website redesign

Improved UI for easier navigation

Updated RWD for Desktop & Mobile

Access to forms, departments and more directly on homepage  


Why: Initial Concerns

Outdated county website leading to poor user experience:​

  • Navigation difficulties 

  • Accessibility concerns

  • Minimal responsive design


Project Goals

Website redesign included -

  • Improved UI for easier navigation

  • Updated information architecture

  • Fresh responsive web design


Outcomes and More

  • Consumers were ~1.5x to 3x more likely on average to successfully complete tasks

  • Reported ~ 1.5-minute  to 2-minute reduction in the average task duration


Who, What, When, Where

Role - UX Research, UX Designer, PM

Timeframe - Nov. 1st - Dec. 31st 2022

Tools - Figma, Trello, Miro, Canva, Artboard Studio


Research, Analysis and Exploration

Initial Research:

Annotations on both desktop and mobile led to discovering IA issues, hierarchy confusion, and difficulties navigating on mobile


Heuristics Evaluation Concerns: 

Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design, User control and Freedom, Consistency, and Standards

Phone Mockup Fashion Product New Arrival Heels Instagram Post (3).png

Cluttered content dragging down task completion

Inconsistent categories in primary vs secondary navigation menus

Unresponsive UI different across desktop versus mobile

Task Flow:

An initial task flow displayed paths taken to complete three usability tasks and identify usability issues during testing:​​

  1. Find Public Health Department information

  2. Locate & identify three government offices

  3. Learn and download information regarding an uncontested divorce

Action Taken by User

Enter Site

Result of Action

Exit Site

Enter Site

Lands on homepage

Exit Site

Task 1: Locate Public Health Dept info

Select "Other County Offices" cat.

Select "County Health Dept" secondary cat.

Lands on content page for County Health Dept.

Select county health dept website link

Select "Home" from menu and navigate back to homepage

Review content on external site

Land on external website

Task 2: Locate and identify three county offices

Select "County Offices" cat.

Select "County Judge" secondary cat.

Lands on content page for County Judge office

Select "County Court at Law"

Select "Home" from menu and navigate back to homepage

Review content on page

Land on county court with various members

Task 3: Learn and download information regarding an uncontested divorce

Navigate to top navigation bar

Select "Distrtrict Court" tab

Select "Distrtrict Clerk" secondary cat.

Lands on content page for District Clerk info.

Select "Instructions for Uncontested Divorce (PDF)"

Select "Home" from menu and navigate back to homepage

Review instructions on content page

Lands on PDF document

Research Methodology:

Research Results:


Outdated UI = poor experience:

Interviewees struggled locating forms as search function was unusable and varing navigating menus made for difficult navigation

Poor success rates:

  • 61.11% overall task success rate on desktop

  • 33.89% overall success rate on mobile

Average duration across tasks:

Desktop - 2.5 minutes

Mobile - Roughly 2 minutes

Define & Ideate

The User, their Journey and the Features

User Persona: Norma Carrolton

Meet Norma! She is a middle school teacher who wants to integrate the Cherokee County website into her instructional teaching.

Norma Carrolton

Occupation: 8th-grade History/ Social Studies Teacher

Norma, a 39-year-old new Cherokee County resident, wants to learn more about her new county as she hopes to integrate the county's history into class assignments next fall


"I enjoy helping my students learn and apply new concepts - I enjoy watching them grow"


  • Has taught variety of subject over the last 10 years

  • Enjoys learning about new cultures

  • Integrates online resources into class instruction as a way to connect with students

  • Finds online literacy very important


  • Integrate Cherokee County history into class instruction

  • User county website as a resources to learn about her new county

  • Have students use website as a resource

Pain Points

  • Struggles finding contact help center/information

  • Several steps must be taken to get info.

  • Multiple navigation menus - unsure what to click on

  • UI is loaded with jargon and unorganized elements - making navigation difficult


  • User-friendly county website to integrate within-class instruction

  • Locate information in a time-efficient manner

  • Easy-to-use website that her students can also utilize in class

Card Sorting and Site Map Restructure: 

Condensed navigation from 11 to six primary categories. Added location for easy contact information

Utility elements created such as the employee portal

Footer elements (social links, address, contact information) added


Wireframes and Iterations

Sketches, Wireframes & Prototypes:

Norma's insight led to initial paper sketches and a low-fidelity prototype


Homepage of desktop and mobile - low fi


CC Homepage mobile low fi.png.png

Style Guide and Design System

Insight from initial findings, usability testing, journey mapping, and card sorting supported the development of an updated style guide and design system to improve user experience​​​

style guide chero.png

​Updated iconography and color palette​

Improved typography to convey a more modern asthetic

Testing & Iterations

Insight Synthesis and Application

Usability Testing Process:

Two additional rounds of testing were conducted with three interviewees each. Mid- and high-fidelity testing resulted in an overall reduction in duration and an increase in success rates across both devices.

Mid-Fi Testing

Results of Mid-Fi Testing:

Existing Difficulties:

Locating government forms and documents is still a challenge for users​

Poor success rates:

  • 77.77% overall task success rate on desktop

  • 72.22% overall success rate on mobile

Average duration across tasks:

  • Desktop - 1.5 minutes

  • Mobile - Roughly 1 minute

Improvements Made:

UI and information architecture need to be altered to include a specific forms section within navigation


Improved success rates:

  • 26% increase in overall success rates on desktop

  • 39% increasein overall success rates on mobile

Decreased duration:

  • Overall 1 minute reuction on both devices

High-Fi Testing

Results of High-Fi Testing:

Existing Difficulties:

  • Difficulty navigating menu categories

  • Site appears "sterile"

  • Missing icons on mobile​

  • Color accessibility concerns on hover functions

Poor success rates:

  • 94.43% overall task success rate on desktop

  • 99% overall success rate on mobile

Average duration across tasks:

  • Desktop - 33 seconds

  • Mobile - 22 seconds

Improvements Made:

  • Alphebetized menu

  • Added pictures of county officials to make website more welcoming

  • Added search icon on mobile

  • Altered hover funciton to be WCAG AA passing


Improved success rates:

  • 17% increase in overall success rates on desktop

  • 27% increase in overall success rates on mobile

Decreased duration:

  • Overall 30 second reuction on both devices


Outcomes and Takeways

Impact on Desktop:

Data synthesis of usability testing results from Round 1 vs 3 -

  • Users were ~1.5x more likely on average to successfully complete tasks 1-3

  • 2-minute reduction in the average duration taken to complete tasks 1-3    

Bar graph of average success rate by usability version - desktop
Bar graph of average duration by usability version - desktop

Impact on Mobile:

Data synthesis of usability testing results from Usability Testing 1 vs 3 -

  • Users were 3x more likely on average to successfully complete tasks 1-3​

  • ~ 1.5-minute reduction in the average duration taken to complete tasks 1-3  

Bar graph of average success rate by usability version - mobile
Bar graph of average duration by usability version - mobile

Personal Lessons:

  • Scope - unable to interview county-level government employees

  • Previously unaware of accessibility testing via WAVE - would have been beneficial while annotating

  • I hope to send the project to Cherokee County

  • Goal: build out more pages for additional testing

Gif of website redesign
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